Shunning is Batshit crazy. It's pathetic.
Shame on you Jeho's. Shame on you.
hi y'all, this is mrs. flipper.
please share your experiences with this, or possible consequences of being outed.. this recent controversy and resulting arguments all stem from people being outed - possibly losing friends and family because most jw's will blindly follow the watchtower's rules to shun them.. among people i know and experiences read here, the grief and loss caused by this is terrible, and maybe now is a good time to put up some experiences here, and put the focus on the worst villians of all - wt policymakers..
Shunning is Batshit crazy. It's pathetic.
Shame on you Jeho's. Shame on you.
please don't take this the wrong way, i would love it for women to comment on this thread because i just can't understand something!!.
here's the pattern i see:.
mostly guys in here.. if the guys are married, their wives usually stay a jw, or it takes 3 times as much time to convince a woman to leave than a man.. if the guys have a jw father, the father is open-minded and can be more easily persuaded to leave.
Men get their balls cut off by the jw's at baptism. Women just want to make each other "feel" good. Maybe men want their balls back. I have no idea why women do what they do. But when a bunch of them get together they have no brain, pretty much. They need the testosterone in the relationship to have any hope of making good decisions.
Call it whatever you want.
well i do not post here very much and usually what i have to say........well...isn't that important!
but......i am the proud grandmother of twin girls as of august 10!
i am so proud of my daughter, who is 25, just gave birth to twin painkillers........nothing!
haboob, thats just an awesome story! Best to you!
this is my first post after deciding to finally open an account here after months of 'lurking'.. a couple of issues i want to address-.
i have issues with people who go from being a witness to losing all faith in god or the bible which seems to be the case with some members of this site.
i just don't think you can let any religion change how you view god or the bible.. second-i don't feel the gb are bad people, i think most witnesses including them are misguided by something that has been drilled into their heads since they were little and are actually sincere people.
Fear and guilt. A waste of time. A wasted emotion. Wasted energy.
It doesn't matter if the WT induced it or who induced it. It's crap.
In the book "The four agreements." (don Miguel Ruiz) The author talks about NEVER EVER taking anything personal. Even if somebody got a gun and shot you in the head. Even at that extreme. It's not about you. It's about the projection of the other person.
given the ot has a lot of cruelties, hatred and so on, surely the fact these attributes, saying and actions far outweigh the supposed love of jesus why dont they say its all fake and throw it out ?.
like what marcion did.
wouldnt it be easier to simply delete the ot and move on ?.
My grandparents and aunts and uncles were all jesus freaks. They were simple people. Some of my uncles couldn't read but they were "traveling evangelists" and musicians, They liked to hear themselves talk. Kind of the flip side of the jeho's i guess. My dad worked so very hard to live very far away from (the jesus freaks) and not associate with them. Kind of the flip side of what jeho's do to people. It's not the best (because i never really knew my family or relatives) but i was really well adjusted....until i tried to help a jeho. After 7 years of trying to help a jeho family....i'm pretty much a PTS victim myself. Just about anything sets me off.
But i got to stay strong for my 2 little girls.....
Ive come to the conclusion you can't help somebody that doesn't want to be helped. and it takes 2 people to make a relationship work. it took me a long time to figure that out with the jehos. When i finally accepted that they are just narcissists and narcissistic suppliers supporting the narcissists it made it a lot easier for me to accept things.
The only thing i can control with a narcissist is the narcissistic supply that i give them. That's the only thing i can control.
found this over on youtube.
stay strong brother!
given the ot has a lot of cruelties, hatred and so on, surely the fact these attributes, saying and actions far outweigh the supposed love of jesus why dont they say its all fake and throw it out ?.
like what marcion did.
wouldnt it be easier to simply delete the ot and move on ?.
revelation was written by some dude on a bad meth trip. why would anyone read that nonsense.
i haven't been to a meeting in about a year, made up my mind about six months ago that jw's are just another religion and that its not for me.
started dating a "worldly" girl 10 months ago and got engaged this past weekend.
i'm having a hard time deciding who to invite to the wedding.
Its your day. Make it one to remember.
i had a business meeting this evening, hubby elected to stay home with the kiddies (he could have come with me), as he said "you need a break, have some time alone' i thought.
upon returning home, he had popped one of the new dvd's released at the convention, don't know the title, of some young brother who gets fired from a job and goes for a drink with a buddy from work.
it is very annoying that he pulls these little tricks on me, act like he is doing me some favor or being considerate then pulling one of these the time he booked an appointment with a physchiatrist, and he wanted me to go along to discuss his insecurities in our marriage because i had learned ttatt...he conveniently left out the part where the doctor is a jw.
Jdubs are batshit crazy. Where's the mystery???
Christmas is totally for the kids. I love christmas. Jw's can pound sand.